Skincare DIY Recipes

Making your own natural skincare products is a rewarding, money saving and fun!  Learn to blend your own botanical toner, or mix together your own serum will see you start to turn your back on high street brands.

If you’re reading this page, then there’s a good chance that you’re interested in natural vegan skincare, & interested in saving money whilst living a healthy lifestyle.

After all why would you pay an extortionate amount of money for a sugar scrub you can simply whip up at home with ingredients you already have.

Massage Body Oil

This very simple formula for deep relaxation with a sensual scent,
perfect for a body massage or as a delightful moisturising body oil.


Ingredients & Equipment

  • 20ml Jojoba Oil
  • 70ml Sweet almond oil
  • 6 Drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
  • 6 Drops Lavender essential oil
  • 6 Drops Geranium essential oil
  • Bottle or Container
  • Scales

How To

  • Step 1

Combine all ingredients in a bottle of container of choice.

Preferably use an amber glass bottle to avoid the oils going rancid, this should keep for a month depending on storage.

Happy DIY-ing

Split End Serum

Nourish dry split ends, with protective ingredients to moisturise your hair.


Ingredients and Equipment

  • 10ml Coconut oil
  • 20ml Raspberry Seed oil
  • 3 Drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
  • 6 Drops Lavender essential oil

  • Glass dropper bottle
  • A scale that measures small quantities (0.01g)

How To

  • Step 1

Melt the coconut oil over a low heat

  • Step 2

Remove from heat, add the Raspberry oil and essential oils (essential oils are optional)

  • Step 3

Mix well until all oils are combined

  • Step 4

Apply a few drops to dry ends

Happy DIY-ing

Refreshing Face Mist

A simple hydrating face mist that can be customised to your preference of scent.


Ingredients and Equipment

  • 70 ml Distilled Water
  • 1 tbsp Aloe Vera Gel
  • 3 Drops Lavender Essential oil
  • 3 Drops Bergamot Essential oil

How To

  1. Combine the Aloe Gel & water in a glass bowl
  2. Add a few drops of essential oil if using them.
  3. Transfer the mixture into a glass atomiser bottle& shake vigorously
  4. Keep stored in the fridge for up to 3 days - Shake before use.